After the Bungle-Bungles, we drove a long way to Lake Argyle, only to stop at Doon-Doon, so special they named it twice.... it was a road house..... We arrived at 1500, plenty of time for a really nice sunset cruise around the lake.
Lake Argyle is an artificial lake of 200x100 km, only a little smaller than half the size of the Netherlands! You can find zebra rocks here, really beautiful stones that no-one knows how they were shaped....
During the cruise we saw rock walibis and plenty of crocodiles, but the prize for the most entertaining animal went to the 7 spotted archer fish. These fish spit at you from the water when you try to feed them :)
We finished the tour with a nice sun set swim, in the red colours of the vanishing sun :)
The following day we did a short walk in Jo creek, where there were some more aboriginal painitngs. It was quite hot climbing up the hills, but the rocks provided some nice shadow.... After the short walk we drove to Katharine gorge, where Hanneke and I were 6 years ago. We watched the bats at sunset, when thousends of them came allive to drink from the river.....Couldn't help myself thinking of all the interesting infectious diseases they can spread.....
Our final night we had a set up camp, and a feast with all the left overs from the past 9 days :)
Our last morning of the trip we were treated with pancakes and french toast, after which we went for our final swim in Edith gorge. Yet again a beaitiful water playground.... we were getting spoiled :)
After the morning swim it was only a few hours to Darwin, where Hanneke and I booked private accomodation at the Youth Hostel. A real bed and a private shower :) They were never appreciated more.... We went to the Thursday nigh market at the beach, with lots of hippies selling hippy things.... I got lots of compliments about my hippy like Desiquel dress :) That night we went for our final dinner with the group. Another farewell to people whose company I really enjoyed....
Our free day in Darwin was all about drinking coffee, having lunch and shopping :) The following day I had to say goodbye to HAnneke, who flew to Adelaide while my plane got me to Melbourne. It was a relaxing 4 hour flight. Matt and Lotte and Anouk where waiting for me, and it was super nice to see them again :) I spend the last week with them, but I got a throat infection as soon as I got there... So I rested a lot, drank a lot of really nice coffees, nice brunches and superb cakes :)) Had dinner with Emmy, one of my former collegue who is doing her PhD in Melbourne. I went to the Melbourne Childrens Hospital for the Infectious Diseases meeting and I taught two health classes about Malawi and being a Paediatrician to Lotte's health class.... Oh.... and did I mention I had lots of nice coffees and lunches and.....
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